UX Dictionary

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  • A/B Testing

    A/B testing is a way of testing that compares two versions of your design. It helps you to understand which version works best for your users.

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  • Accessibility

    Accessibility is the part of design where you make sure your design work is accessible for all people. Examples include making sure people with visual impairment can still read your landing page.

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  • Affordance

    In UX, the affordance of a design element is what the user thinks he can do with that element. It is based on what the user can perceive of the component.

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  • Atomic research

    In UX, atomic research is a form of research where you divide the user research into multiple smaller parts called 'atoms' or 'nuggets.'

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  • Banner Blindness

    In UX, users experience banner blindness when they subconsciously ignore website components they've seen too often.

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  • Bootstrap

    Bootstrap is a CSS framework used in web design to create responsive designs for multiple screen sizes. Even though front-end developers mostly use it, understanding Bootstrap as a UX designer is a very useful skill to have.

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  • Button

    Buttons are UI components that enable users to make an action, like navigating to a page, purchasing an item, confirming settings, and many more by clicking on them.

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  • Call to action

    A call to action, or CTA, is used to describe elements, usually buttons, that encourage a user to take action. The critical component of a CTA is the label. It's typically written as an action phrase such as 'sign up,' 'get started,' or 'buy now.'

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  • Canva

    Canva is a free-to-use design tool that you can use to create graphic design assets like presentations, social media posts, and business cards. UI design is also supported, even though it is not Canva's strong suit.

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  • Cognitive load

    Cognitive load is the amount of mental effort required to complete a task. For users, this includes understanding the user interface, figuring out what tasks to do, and how to complete these tasks.

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  • Cognitive walkthrough

    The cognitive walkthrough is a method used to evaluate how easy to learn a product is. The accompanying unit of measure is called learnability.

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  • Competitive analysis

    In UX, competitive analysis is a research method that helps you understand how the features and user flows of similar design solutions of your competitors work.

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  • Customer journey

    The customer journey is quite literally the journey someone takes to become your customer. In most cases, this journey includes a set number of steps, like getting familiar with a product or service, the actual purchase, and next steps after the purchase.

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  • Dark patterns

    Dark patterns are deceptive design patterns used to mislead users to make them do something they would not do on their own. They are primarily used to generate sales, increase subscriptions, and hit target business numbers.

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  • Data analysis

    In UX, data analysis transforms raw data obtained through research into information and insights. It's a fundamental step that allows designers to make informed design decisions.

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  • Data-Driven Design

    Data drive design is a type of design where you make design decisions based on a collection of both quantitative and qualitative data.

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  • Design system

    Design systems are groups of guidelines, design principles, and reusable components used by a company to create consistent branding and design choices at a large scale.

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  • Design thinking

    Design thinking is a framework used by many UX, UI, and product designers during large-scale projects. It has five recurring steps and follows a user-centered approach during multiple iterations.

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  • Desk research

    Desk research, which is also known as secondary research, is a UX research method that consists of reviewing what others have done in similar situations.

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  • Double diamond

    The double diamond methodology is a variation of design thinking used mainly by UI, UX, and product designers during projects. The two diamonds symbolize the diverging and converging flow of activities during the design project.

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  • Figma

    Figma is one of the most used prototyping and design tools in the UI and UX design world. It is a primarily web-based tool with a strong focus on collaborating with other designers and stakeholders.

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  • Frontend

    When you work on the frontend, you design or develop the area of an application or website you can see.

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  • Gestalt principles

    Gestalt principles are layout and positioning rules in design that help viewers understand your designs better.

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  • Hero section

    Commonly found on a landing page, the hero section is the first section the user sees when visiting your website. This section contains essential information about your product, service, or company that helps the user understand what it is you offer.

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  • Heuristics

    In UX, heuristics are mental shortcuts that help users simplify their decision-making process.

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  • How might we

    How might we (HMW) is an exercise commonly used during design thinking workshops. Instead of going for the obvious solution, it helps workshop participants think creatively about solving challenges.

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  • Human-centered design

    When you design a product or service, you make every decision with a human being in mind first. It is a way of thinking where the target audience and other important stakeholders are at the center of your design process.

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  • Information Architecture

    In UX, Information architecture (IA) is a discipline that focuses on the structure of information in a digital product (like an app or website).

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  • Jobs-to-be-done

    The Jobs-to-be-done (JTBD) framework is used to understand better what a user wants to achieve while using your product. When done right, you can better prioritize how and when to design specific features.

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  • KPI

    Key performance indicators (KPIs) are data you measure to see how successful your designs and software products are.

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  • Landing page

    A landing page is the first page a user visits on your website. It is where the user lands and is often used to promote a product or service.

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  • Lean UX

    Lean UX (Lean User Experience) is a way of working that combines UX with the core ideas of Agile. It enables UX designers to perform better in a rapid iterative cycle such as Agile or Scrum.

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  • Lorem Ipsum

    Lorem Ipsum is placeholder text you can use in your designs until you have the final copy.

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  • Low-fidelity

    Low-fidelity is a used word to define a design with low levels of detail. In UX, low-fidelity is commonly used in wireframes to create the first visualization of ideas and concepts quickly.

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  • Material design

    Material Design is Google's design language and system. It is used in the Android OS and Google apps.

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  • Mental model

    Mental models represent a person's thought process for how an application or a website works. For example, if someone is using an app for the first time, they will have a mental model of how they expect the app to work based on their past experiences with similar apps.

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  • Mockup

    Mockups are high-fidelity visuals of your final design. You can use mockups to highlight pixel-perfect details and certain features or as the featured image of a presentation or portfolio.

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  • Multivariate Testing

    In UX, multivariate testing compares different versions of your design to find which of these versions performs best according to business KPIs.

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  • Paper Prototyping

    Paper prototyping is a UX design process that helps designers test rough ideas using paper sketches instead of complicated prototypes.

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  • Persona

    A persona, also known as a user persona, is a design deliverable that shows the traits, qualities, and pain points of your target users summarized in a fictional person.

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  • Product designer

    When you're a product designer, you're involved from start to finish in designing a product. That includes both UI and UX work.

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  • Prototype

    In UX, a prototype can be either a clickable demo or a fully functioning demo of a design concept. It is used to gather user feedback to further finetune a design.

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  • Rapid prototyping

    In UX, rapid prototyping is a way to quickly create new versions of a design prototype based on continuous feedback.

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  • Responsive design

    Responsive design is about creating websites and apps whose designs automatically adjust for different screen sizes, from small smartphones to big desktop screens.

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  • Scrum

    Scrum is an agile project management framework that helps (design) teams manage their daily work. Like other agile frameworks, Scrum uses principles such as learning through experience, being a self-organized team, and continuous improvement.

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  • System Usability Scale

    The System Usability Scale (SUS) is a score used for usability testing. It involves scenarios for users to complete and a standardized questionnaire to measure how well it went.

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  • T-shaped designer

    A T-Shaped designer is a designer who is very experienced in one specific topic of his field and has general knowledge of various design-related topics.

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  • The Design of Everyday Things

    The Design of Everyday Things is a book by Donald Norman about real-life design principles. It is considered a must-read by many designers.

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  • Touchpoints

    A touchpoint is a moment within the customer journey where the user interacts with your service or product.

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  • Usability testing

    Usability testing refers to testing a product or service with real users. This is to learn how intuitive a design is and improve the design where necessary.

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  • User flow

    A user flow (or flowchart) is a visual representation of the path a user follows to accomplish a specific task.

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  • User pain points

    In UX, any issues that frustrate the users are called user pain points. They usually are related to something that blocks them from completing a task and reaching a goal.

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  • Userpeek

    UserPeek is a remote user testing platform for UX designers. It allows you to collect user insights from websites, apps, and digital products.

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  • UX Engineer

    A UX engineer is someone with skills in UX design and software development. In most cases, the UX engineer has experience in frontend development.

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  • UX research

    User experience (UX) research is a design discipline within UX that focuses on investigating the behavior of users and their needs.

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  • Wireframes

    Wireframes are a very simple visual representation of an early-stage design for your product or service. It is quite literally a set of wires and frames used to get started and get a quick overview of initial designs.

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